AUTISM – Earthing / Grounding: a testimony to the benefits and improved quality of life for people with autism

AUTISM - Earthing / Grounding: a testimony to the benefits and improved quality of life for people with autism

In this article, you will find testimonials on the subject of Earthing / Grounding and AUTISM that focus on the benefits and a better quality of life for people with autism or children. Indeed, as you will discover as you read about the connection to the earth, Earthing / Grounding has many advantages and benefits and acts positively in many spheres: sleep, energy, work accomplished, endurance, clarity of mind, mood, body aches, muscle tension, inflammation, etc. Here are some testimonies that show that people with autism and children with autism can also benefit from Earthing / Grounding.

First, here is a context where we talk about autism and Earthing / Grounding. This information on Earthing and autism was taken from the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! - Clinton Ober

Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects an individual’s ability, in different ways and degrees, to communicate and interact with others. It typically shows up during the first three years of life and is not outgrown, causing a potentially severe emotional and financial burden on families for decades. There is no known single cause for this condition, which has risen steeply in recent years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates it affects one out of every 150 American children. The Autism Society of America says the lifetime cost of caring for an individual with autism ranges from $3.5 to $5 million. Typical signs of autism include lack of or delay of spoken language, repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects, little or no eye contact, lack of interest in peer relationships, lack of spontaneous or make-believe play, and persistent fixation on parts of objects). Sleep disturbance is often a major problem and can profoundly disrupt normal family routines.

Earthing is not a cure for autism, but over the years it’s been seen to have a calming effect, improve sleep patterns, and promote better speech and socializing. Reducing the impact of autism on a child in this natural and simple way simultaneously lessens the stress level in the whole family. Earthing opens a door of hope.


Autism: Collapses and moods are greatly improved with Earthing / Grounding

A Californian mother reported that her five-year-old son had been diagnosed with autism two years earlier. She described her situation as follows: He used to wake up with bright eyes around 5:30 in the morning. Then, in the late afternoon or early evening, he was "burned out with fatigue". It was like hitting the wall. Crying. Meltdowns. Sullen mood.

We made him sleep on the Earthing / Grounding bed mattress for seven months and he now sleeps much healthier for eleven hours without waking up. I now realize that my son was just sleep-deprived, which, as we all know, is a problem in itself. The mattress is wonderful. My son's situation is much improved, in addition to the dietary and environmental changes we have made.

Almost no one knows that there are or have been autistic problems with him. The only problems are a speech delay (about a year and a half to two years behind his peers) and some residual allergies.

In addition to sleeping connected to the ground, our son always goes out barefoot. He likes it. You should see this kid running on our rocks in our landscaping. He has steel feet.


Ron Petruccioni and Earthing / Grounding, businessman, 44 years old, California

“My daughter Rosanna, fourteen, was diagnosed with moderate autism. Her condition presents itself mostly as an expressive and receptive language disorder. She often cannot produce the words fast enough and stumbles or mumbles her speech. I sometimes have to tell her, ‘What did you say? Slow down!’ Or in new situations and social environments where she is having some anxiety, she might mix up her tenses and switch inappropriately from first to third person when speaking about herself or to others.

“Rosanna has slept on a grounded bed pad since early 2008. We also placed a grounded desk pad at her computer, where she spends an hour or two each day. So she has been getting in some extra daily grounding time.

“Within about a month after being grounded, I started to see her calmer. Her speech became more understandable. That alone has been a great improvement and stress reliever for both of us. There was less frustration showing. The anxiety wasn't there. Occasionally, I will have to tell her to slow down, but not nearly as much as before.

“She has also been sleeping better. She’s been easier to wake up.

“Over the years in school, there has been an aide or teacher’s assistant assigned to monitor her. Within a short period of time after Rosanna was grounded, the aide noted in her logbook that my daughter participates more actively in the class. Lunch with the kids was more enjoyable for her, and the other kids were engaging her more.

“This makes me so happy. These are subtle things that can’t be determined by a lab test. Rosanna is now in the eighth grade, in a mainstream class, and for the first time, there is nobody assigned to keep an eye on her. This is a big deal. She seems happier, more confident, with a little higher self-esteem. She has continued to slowly, smoothly, and surely improve.

Everyone involved in this disorder knows that autism is a marathon not a sprint. But what happened in a couple of months and has continued is a miracle for me. A cloud has lifted a bit, and I can think ahead to high school. Maybe college? And to see her become a productive member of society? That’s a possibility. High school is a given now. There’s hope. And that’s huge.

“What I really like about this is that it is so very easy to use. With the autistic community, it’s often very hard to find something effective. This is not about how many supplements you can get down them or rubbing on some cream. You just put a grounded pad on a bed, and there are real therapeutic benefits for hardly any cost. A lot of us parents are really strapped, emotionally, physically, and financially. This is something special.”

Source: "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?"

Ron Petruccioni's investigation into the Earthing connection

In 2009, Ron Petruccioni, the father of a teenage daughter with autism, contacted parents with autistic children around the country for the purpose of participating in an informal study involving Earthing. The idea was to provide interested parents with a grounded bed pad and have their children sleep grounded for a two-month period. The parents were asked to initially complete a twenty-question survey before the experiment and then answer the same questions on a weekly basis until the experiment ended. The questions for the survey were prepared by Mr. Petruccioni, in conjunction with a Southern California mental health expert. A total of twenty-eight parents, whose children ranged in age from two to thirteen, participated in the project. The average age of the youngsters was six for girls and seven for boys. The results included the following (in percentages):




Will say goodbye
     Almost always



     Almost never



Responds to familiar people
     Almost always



     Almost never



Is drawn to other children
     Most of the time



     Almost never



When upset, screams rather than cries tears
     Almost always



     Almost never



Watches other children when they are around
     Almost always



     Almost never



Actions are impulsive
Almost always



Almost never



Has multiple allergies
     Almost always



     Almost never



Likes being touched by caregivers
     Almost always



     Most times



     Almost never



Uses grunts or crying to communicate needs
     Almost always






     Almost never



Sleep is calm and not restless
     Almost always



     Almost never



Easygoing and flexible in schedule
     Almost always



     Almost never



Easily angered
     Almost always



     Almost never



SOURCE : The natural medical health well

A grandmother with an autistic grandson writes about Earthing (grounding)

I got interested in Earthing through my son. My grandson is autistic and my granddaughter has cerebral palsy. I myself had many health problems such as polymyalgia , high blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea and was overweight. He started out by taking his children to the park and letting them run around barefoot and began to see that his autistic son was connecting better with people. So we decided to go a step further and purchased Earthing sheets for both children and myself. I was in the process of losing a total of 80 pounds and I am sure some of that weight loss contributed to my better health issues but I slept better and the restless leg problem alleviated. I still only sleep no more than 5 hours a night but the quality of my sleep is better and I feel more rested. I put an Earthing pad in my porch by my chair and put my feet on it every chance I get. I always sleep with my sheet except when I am not at home and when I do return something is just drawing me back to my bed. I go barefoot much more than I used to and it just gives you a sense of well being and connection with yourself. I used to take 4 blood pressure medications a day and for the last 2 years have taken nothing. The inflammation in my body has almost totally disappeared and I no longer take shots in my back. Yes the weight loss has helped but I personally feel Earthing has been a contributing factor. My Earthing experience has been nothing but a good one.


A blogger talks about grounding (Earthing) and her autistic son's improved sleep

Your kids can’t sleep? Insomnia is a huge problem among people including ASD kids. With all the commercials for sleep aid medications I don’t think this problem is isolated to children on the autism spectrum.

We are not strangers to late nights and early morning waking in this house. You might think I’ve finally gone all the way off the wagon into Nutsville, but believe me, I wouldn’t be blogging about this if it didn’t do something good for my kid.

He’s always had issue falling asleep. We had our share of night wakings, early mornings and being up half the night!  We’ve done many things with supplements that sometimes helped or helped for a short time.

The past two years have probably been the worst.  My kid being up half the night not working for any of us.

I recalled some hubbub in the ASD community about EMF’s a few years ago.  You know, “electromagnetic fields”?  We can’t see them but we are surrounded by them now that everything is wireless.

One 3am morning it dawned on me that all this got worse around the same time he got a tablet that was wireless. We got it because he needed to use ebooks or audio books because of tactile sensitivity to paper.

I stumbled on a book call Earthing and how this concept of ground was easing pain and insomnia is a lot of people.  We measured the EMF’s coming from this object and it was the highest thing in the house.  It beat the cells phones, the Wireless modem.  it’s all coming together now because I had many times said it seems like since we bought the tablet he doesn’t sleep.  I think if i had not been so tired I would have made the connection much sooner.

What’s one to do? Well I built grounding sheets for his bed and those electronics must be shut down at night. Letting it sleep is not enough because it still connects to the wireless off an on all night long.

Once I made the grounding sheets for all our beds we report the following changes:

  • calmed anxiety in child just by sitting on it for a few minutes
  • better sleep, deeper sleep
  • fall asleep faster, calming feeling
  • increases circulation so no more cold feet all night
  • hubbie doesn’t snore as loud
  • less soreness, stiffness, pain in the morning
  • child is falling asleep faster and staying asleep

All I can say is you won’t believe it unless you try it.  My son is grounded literally and we plan to stay that way.

 Jan Martin | USA , SOURCE :

You want to buy Earthing (Grounding) products to connect to the Earth? Visit one of the following sites:


Visit the following websites to order Earthing / Grounding connection products:
Get Healthy and Grounded - Groundology

Visit the following website to order Earthing / Grounding connection products:
Moccasins CanadaEarthing Canada 

Visit the following website to order Earthing / Grounding connection products:

NOTE: Earthing-Vitality is an informative website and does not sell any Earthing products directly.

You want more information about earthing ? You can order the book 'Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!'

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UNITED KINGDOM - : Book: Earthing: The Most Important Health...
CANADA - : Book: Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!


-Thank you for sharing-